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100% natural flexible stone panels – An introduction

100% natural flexible stone panels – An introduction

100% natural flexible stone panels – An introduction

When doing any kind of renovation, whether it’s commercial or residential, trying to figure
out what’s the best material to go over your wall or floor to add to the experience is always a
challenging choice with a variety of options. In the past, the more traditional options such as
using tiles, carpets & wallpapers were unchallenged.

However, in the recent, there’s a number of alternatives to be used that can be installed over a
wall or floor not only for the aesthetic appearance, but also for a number of useful attributes it
adds to the surface beneath. From stackstone to claddings, there are a number of options
available, out of which flexible stone veneers are often underrated but easily edge out the
substitute competition in terms of versatility, price & ease of installation. Which brings us to
the question – what are flexible stone veneers, & why should you use this to cover your walls
or floors instead of the more traditional tiles, carpets or wallpapers?

Sketch Australia’s 100% natural flexible stone veneers are extracted from metaphoric stone,
resulting in a stone surface of 100% natural stone. This stone sheet is attached to a backfill
material, which could be either fabric, fibreglass or translucent, by an adhesive, to form a
flexible stone sheet. The final product is a lightweight & flexible 100% natural stone sheet,
with a thickness of 1.5 mm to 2.0 mm & weighing only 1 kilo per sheet. Extracted from
metaphoric stone, the surface of the stone sheet carries the same properties of natural stone –
durability as well as water & heat resistance. The combination of the backfill material as well
as the impressive thin profile not only ensures flexibility, but the light-weight nature of the
stone panel also ensures more manoeuvrability during installation & better layout options
through allowing easy cutting & trimming to fit any design.

When we talk about tiles, flexibility is not a word which comes to mind, but it is for a carpet.
But then again, a carpet can only be used to cover a floor, not a wall, & certainly can’t be
used on ceilings! Tiles do add a sense of durability, compared with a carpet, but that
durability is certainly no match for natural stone. So flexible stone veneers combine the
flexibility of a carpet as well as the light-weight nature, while also being more durable than
tiles – could there be a more enticing option in terms of versatility for your interior or exterior
renovation project? You may have a doubt regarding the ease of installation as well as the
applications for flexible stone veneers – so let’s have a look at that next!

Installation of flexible stone panels – Popular substrate choices

Sketch Australia’s 100% natural flexible stone panels can be installed on top of virtually any
substrate as long as it has a flat surface, yes, even on top of curved surfaces! Installable on
top of any ceiling, wall or floor for both exterior & interior, popularly, it is installed on top of
cement, wood, glass, steel, brick & rendered surfaces.

Applications for flexible stone panels – Popular applications

Sketch Australia’s 100% natural flexible stone panels can be used in almost any kind of
application, but some of the most commonly preferred applications are in kitchen
splashbacks, bathrooms & bedrooms, fireplaces, facades, furniture & doors, as well as car
interiors. Application options are only limited by your creativity!

Installation – DIY with minimum household tools & resources

Sketch Australia’s 100% natural flexible stone panels can easily be installed without
specialist help or expensive equipment. Cutting the flexible stone panel only requires an
angle grinder, & applying it on top of the surface would require a good PU adhesive which
can easily be purchased from bunnings. Once installed, a good penetrative sealer should be
applied on top of the stone surface to protect it & for easy clean up. We have a clear
installation guideline as well as a separate manual on aftercare as well, both which include
the tools needed for installation as well as the PU adhesives & sealers we recommend.

Why go for flexible stone panels – A comparative benefit analysis

As far as cladding options go, there are numerous claddings which can be considered, & this
is where it’s important to understand why you should select flexible stone panels as opposed
to other cladding options. A few major reasons you may want to choose Sketch Australia’s
flexible stone panels as opposed to other cladding options are highlighted below;

1. Visual appeal

Flexible stone panels have a warm & natural hue to it that no man-made cladding or surface
can equal, with a strong appeal whether it’s installed on residential or commercial spaces.
The natural surface is so alluring that curiosity alone would be a reason for anyone seeing it
to touch & feel the surface.

2. Durability

As long as the installation is done correctly & with the recommended after-care, the natural
stone panels can withstand the test of time, being able to go through changing weather
conditions & day-to-day wear & tear. Depending on the strength of the surface it’s installed
on, the stone sheets are also prodigious as weight-bearing cladding.

3. Versatility

One of the best features about using flexible stone as a cladding is the near-limitless
application. Installable on any kind of flat surface, from walls to ceilings to floors, for interior
& exterior architectural/renovation projects makes flexible stone count among the top
versatile claddings. The flexibility & light-weight flexible stone can also be applied on
curved surfaces adding to its versatility.

4. Affordability

Flexible stone panels are extremely affordable than using the actual stone slab, & considering
the installation is DIY with a minimum requirement of household tools & resources, there’s
no doubt on the affordability. Also, the aftercare of the flexible stone panel is also relatively
less expensive. Not to mention, if you go for a faux stone/manufactured stone alternative,
once the colours fade or discolour, you’ll have to replace the whole structure from beginning,
doubling the cost initially incurred.

5. Lightweight

When compared to other stone cladding alternative such as tiles or slabs, flexible stone panels
are extremely lightweight, a single sheet weighing only around 1 kilo. Transportation &
installation also becomes easier. Also, some surfaces may not be able to accommodate the
weight of slabs or tiles, so being lightweight also adds to the application versatility.

6. Water & heat resistant

Extracted from 100% natural stone, flexible stone panels are water & heat resistant due to
inherent properties of natural stone. This adds to the versatility in application, where the same
product can be used outdoors, as well as for interior structures with moisture (such as kitchen
splashbacks & bathrooms) & heat (such as fireplaces or behind stoves/BBQ’s).

7. Ease of installation

Installation is not only affordable, but additionally, it can be done on your own, especially if
you’re a DIY enthusiast. Even if you’re not a DIY enthusiast, hey – any local tiler would take
up a job of installing flexible stone panels at a bargain price since the installation is
straightforward without any special tool requirement.

8. Low maintenance

Once the initial penetrative sealant is applied after installation, you can use a variety of
cleaning products which you can get from Bunnings, & for the most basic dust & other day to
day dirt, you can easily wash it off with water. Using a sealant at least every 5 years would
prolong the durability & will ensure easy cleaning.

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